viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

My blogging experience.

Hello everybody, in this blog, I talk you about my blogging experience in the English class.

My blogging experience is very good, because with this exercises I increase my vocabulary, improve my writing, and learned as give my opinion about different topics, but all in English. And was an opportunity to know more to my classmates.

My first blog was very difficult, because I don´t have a good vocabulary and the English grammar is very complicate for my, but with the time, and with the practice of write a blog every week, the last blog was easier.

My favorite post was "topic free", because I could speak about my hobby, but the second "free topic" was the worst because I did not know that choice, was very difficult the election.

Also, with the blogging experience I could know more about my classmates and know their life, their hobbies, their expectative and the blog was a good space for change opinion with my classmates.

Before this exercises I had many problem to write in English, but now this has change, because is more easy for my write in English.

The benefits of this activity are many, such as develop good manner the writing, and increase the vocabulary, to correct errors and to share opinion or discuss topics with the classmates. But, the problem is that the time class to be too short to be able to revise and create new blogs.

I hope that all my blog have been interesting and funny. And I would like continue writing different blogs to improve my English writing.

See you!!!!!