sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Bicentennial in Chile

The bicentennial in Chile was on September 18, 2010.
This year, our country celebrated its 200 years of independence as a republic. This celebration was what most Chileans were looking for, but not all was pure joy, because this year Chile had two catastrophic events; first the big earthquake on February 27, 2010, and second on 5 august, 2010 when 33 miners were trapped in the depths of our earth. But, nothing prevented the Chileans enjoy such an important date in history.

The celebration lasted four days, from 17 to 20 September. The events included, on September 16, the opening Official Fonda in O'Higgins Park and the first presentation the light show in front of the Moneda Palace, call: “Pura Energia. Puro Chile”, (Pure energy, Pure Chile). This event attracted more than 60.000 people in the citizenship square.
On September, 17, the most important event was the raising of the largest Chilean flag ever, (that measured 27 meters long and 18 meters wide), call: “Gran Bandera Nacional” (big national flag), this ceremony began with the traditional interpretation of the theme: Mi Banderita Chilena (my flag Chile)

On September 18, there was the Ecumenical Te deum at the cathedral of Santiago.
The bicentennial offers a unique opportunity to be proud of the country and dream of the country to build for future generations. at 12:00 hours, choirs and orchestras of Chile sang the National Anthem in unison in parks in the country, an initiative in all Chileans were invited to participate with their Families and friends, to sing the anthem. Also, at 14:00 hours, from the sky dropped "messages from the air" contained in bookmarks with quotes from famous Chilean, stanzas of traditional songs and selections from works of prominent writers

Sunday 19 September, was performed of the grand military parade on the ellipse O`Higgins park.
Finally, on September 20 was developed Bicentennial Naval Review, with the parade of 250 ships and planes around the bay of Valparaiso.

The bicentennial offers a unique opportunity to be proud of the country and dream of the country to build for future generations

Chile now enters its third century of life with hope and optimism about their future, making this date a milestone in its history and a just cause for celebration throughout the country.

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