martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

My favorite website

In the present, internet has become in the principal element development of comunication, and this allows us to have information of everything that happens in the world.

The website that I enjoying visiting about my career, is, this website is very important for my, because this have necessary information about my future profession.

The site of Chilean Midwives College is very interesting, this have many documents about with my carrer, such as AUGE and midwive, legal texts, midwive college history, professional development and training, topics about genre, and news related whit this profession such as investigation, news about the chilean health system, and news about work midwive.

Also, this website have a forum, in wich we can share our ideas whit other midwive, know their opinions about different topics, and know other experiences of this beautiful work.

I recommend this site because is very important know that happens whit our profession, news in time real , and advances in health research. and this is a good sites for to get involved everyday in our career.

don´t wait, visit it!

2 comentarios:

  1. hello Yasna !!!
    I also often visit this site and agree with you that is very important for our profession.


    jaja we have the same site ajja, but it`s maybe because it`s very important for us and the documents of these site it`s so interesting, the information we can find there it`s so important for us and for Chile.. bless, see you soon working whit the lads jajja
