jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

The Winter

In this blog I talk you about the winter, because is the seasons of years that more I like!

The winter is my favorite season of the year, I do not like the sun, the hot; I prefer the cold. In this time, it rains a lot, feel cold; we must shelter us and take care of respiratory diseases

The winter begins June 21 in the south hemisphere and in the north hemisphere it begins September 21, with the winter solstice, and finish in the spring equinox, September 21 in the south hemisphere and in the north culminate March 21.

Winter is one of the four seasons of temperate zones. The word winter, comes from the Latin word HIBERNUM. This station is characterized by shorter days, longer nights and cooler temperatures.

I love enjoy a rain’s day in my home, in my bed, watch a good film with a coffee, and in a good company.

Other characteristic are that in this time can be realize special sport (winter sport) such as: Snowboarding, Ice biking, Skiing, Snowball fight, Ice climbing, Snowman building, Ice hockey, Ice sculpture, and many much.

But in the winter, some person do not have house, and the rain the cold are very difficult for they. For this reason the winter, is a season in which people suffers for meteorology condition. And this period has become in a time associated to multiples social problem. This part of the topic doesn’t like me, because not every people have to house where live.

I hope that you enjoy winter, and that does not become in a disagreeable season, and must be think that the winter has many options for that the cold, the rain don’t became in a boring time.

See you in class!

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

My life as Firewoman

In this post I talk you about my life, I going to talk about my labour as FIREWOMAN.

From small, I’ve been in the firemen, when I was 11 years I entered to the juvenile brigade of firemen, and in this time only I learned to: how be firemen?
When I was 17 years, I swore as firewomen, on 07 January 2008, since this moment I started to go to fires, and participated more with my mates.

In the present I belong to the fourth fire company of San Antonio, I have two years and some months as firewoman, and my specialty is forest fires (but let to all fire that are called) and for this, that in the summer is when we have more call.

In this last time, I have been to many fires, home fires, accident, forestall fires, etc. In the last summer with my mates we went to many forestall fires, every day went to one. On one occasion, a fire lasted 10 days, was very tiring because we were all the day in the fire, and was 2500 hectares approximately.

Well, as a firewomen, not only assist to the fire, in the earthquake we worked since the first moment, helping to the community all the time, attending gas problem in the home, collapses, evacuating homes, informing people, and distributing water by one week all the day. Other activity that we make, is help in the floods, go out in support of other firefighters at a different city and many more.

In the firemen company we are many activities, such as: share everydays, but now I go only the weekend. In the Christmas we make a party for community children and they are happy climbing on the fire trucks with Santa Claus, and we visited children who are in the hospital for that date. Also, in my company we celebrated us anniversary with our family and celebrated the “mother day” for all woman that are important in our life.

I am very happy by this labour. I am happy, just when people tell me thanks you. I hope to continue to belong to this organization all my life and help in all that are necessary for save lives and property.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Education and Prevention is the First

The prevention is an important action for us as midwife, because the contact that we have with the person is very close. This prevention and education can be a level individual, family and community.

To level individual is important to educate for prevent future illness, for that the person have a living healthy and this can be achieve through counseling, instructional, promoting the self-care.

In the family, is important create healthy behaviors that are used for all members of the family.

And is important educate to the parents for that from small their children have the habits of prevention for their life. This prevention can be realize educate the main actor in the family, that in many cases is the mother, so that she who will promote, actions preventive in your home.

In the community the prevention can be through forming multidisciplinary teams that work sectorally, for can give the necessary resources, for create healthier environments and improving the environments where they live.
In this level of prevention can be through educational talks, doing projects that include all people as belonging to this community.

Can be detected the risk factors that present the community, and work in this, through campaigns that promote behavior favorable, influencing the different age groups, so all people may empower self-care on the group level, as a community.

The prevention us allow act before problems arise or become in lifestyles wrong. And us as future midwife have a work fundamental in the prevention in the woman, in the family through of women, and in the community, in the primary care, in the public health care clinic.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

benefit or problem?? gender differences in my profession

Since always our career has been considered only for women, but there are men that have broken this ruler, and have dared to study this profession, even if they are judged.

Problem o benefit?, that a man study obstetrics can be a problem and/or benefit, because in the most of cases this men are questioned for their sexual orientation, and this topic must be very difficult for they.

Other problem is that some women are feel uncomfortable when is a man that attended, and this is only because the society is not accustom that in the actuality, profession that in old time were only for women, now also are for men.

The benefits are that the man can discovery his part more maternal, and he have other perspective with this topic, and in many cases the men are more delicate with the woman and this is a cause because the women prefer to attend for a man.

There other profession that is judged for the presence of the men this is nursing, and nutrition. But, obstetrics is more questioned that the other career, because this work with the women, and for this always are has thought that must are attended for women.

In the future must not exist the different of gender, because men and women midwife have the same qualities for develop this profession.