sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Bicentennial in Chile

The bicentennial in Chile was on September 18, 2010.
This year, our country celebrated its 200 years of independence as a republic. This celebration was what most Chileans were looking for, but not all was pure joy, because this year Chile had two catastrophic events; first the big earthquake on February 27, 2010, and second on 5 august, 2010 when 33 miners were trapped in the depths of our earth. But, nothing prevented the Chileans enjoy such an important date in history.

The celebration lasted four days, from 17 to 20 September. The events included, on September 16, the opening Official Fonda in O'Higgins Park and the first presentation the light show in front of the Moneda Palace, call: “Pura Energia. Puro Chile”, (Pure energy, Pure Chile). This event attracted more than 60.000 people in the citizenship square.
On September, 17, the most important event was the raising of the largest Chilean flag ever, (that measured 27 meters long and 18 meters wide), call: “Gran Bandera Nacional” (big national flag), this ceremony began with the traditional interpretation of the theme: Mi Banderita Chilena (my flag Chile)

On September 18, there was the Ecumenical Te deum at the cathedral of Santiago.
The bicentennial offers a unique opportunity to be proud of the country and dream of the country to build for future generations. at 12:00 hours, choirs and orchestras of Chile sang the National Anthem in unison in parks in the country, an initiative in all Chileans were invited to participate with their Families and friends, to sing the anthem. Also, at 14:00 hours, from the sky dropped "messages from the air" contained in bookmarks with quotes from famous Chilean, stanzas of traditional songs and selections from works of prominent writers

Sunday 19 September, was performed of the grand military parade on the ellipse O`Higgins park.
Finally, on September 20 was developed Bicentennial Naval Review, with the parade of 250 ships and planes around the bay of Valparaiso.

The bicentennial offers a unique opportunity to be proud of the country and dream of the country to build for future generations

Chile now enters its third century of life with hope and optimism about their future, making this date a milestone in its history and a just cause for celebration throughout the country.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Myths and truth about the human brain

Hello everybody, in this blog I talk you about the “human brain”
Last week, Dr. Maldonado gave us a talk on the brain, myths and truths about the brain.
This talk was very interesting and entertaining, as we explained in great way different topics, different myths that revolve around the human brain

The human brain is the motor nervous system, is the organ that is responsible for the sense of thought, memory and body control. The human brain is a relatively small, weighing about 1.5 pounds and takes about 2 percent of body weight and can consume 20% of the energy consumed by an adult male.

One of the myths that talk was “The human brain is very different from other brain of other animals” on this issue, dr. sowed us photos of brains of different animals, including human brain, and saw that they were very similar in terms of shape, but that one of the big differences was the size, and No other species has come to have a brain as complex as the human being.

Other myths was: “We use 10% of our brain capacity”, and this is a big mistake, because the neuroscience findings now show that the brain is 100% active, what we do know is that every part of the brain has a specific function.

Well, these were two of the myths that most caught my attention during the talk, I hope you enjoyed it as I did with Dr. Maldonado.
See you soon!

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

The Stress

hello.... in this blog, I will talk about stress, a problem that maybe in our university life has been our trusted friend

The stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response.
Currently an emerging disease in the workplace, with special emphasis on the service sector, with the highest risk tasks in senior positions that require more demanding and dedication.

The most common signs of stress are:
Emotions: anxiety, irritability, fear, fluctuation mood.
Thoughts: excessive self-criticism, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, forgetfulness, worry for the future.
Behaviors: stuttering or other speech difficulties,crying, impulsiveness, giggling, increased drug use, increased or decreased appetite.
Physical changes: tight muscles, or cold hands sweating, headache, flu and infections, fatigue, shortness of breath or palpitations, tremors, dry mouth.

Here are situations that trigger stress and can be any stimulus, external or internal, either directly or indirectly, predisposes to destabilize the dynamic equilibrium of the body, these situations are called stressors, stimuli can be physical, chemical, auditory or somatic and sociocultural.

One of our most representative cases of stress, is what occurs during the college years are various circumstances that contirbuyen to develop stress such as: leaving home, having to travel many miles daily, take charge of your economy , share a flat or live alone while meeting academic responsibilities, classes and
personal relationships.

This is added the academic load, and the desire to want to comply with all lines going good way, which in many cases causes us fear failure, anxiety, fear of the future, among other feelings that can often be seen in our university life.

Well .. I hope they have concerned the information about stress, and this is of much help to go presentn detecting situations in our lives and if they are controlled will be very beneficial to our health ...
see you!

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Coffee may protect against head and neck cancers

Hello classmates, in this post, I am going to talk you about the article about the coffee, and potential health benefits it can have: Coffee may protect against head and neck cancers (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/jun/22/coffee-head-neck-cancers)

The study realized by Mia Hashibe de la Universidad de Utah, Salt Lake City, show that the people who consumed more than four cups of coffee a day, had a 39% lower risk of cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx combined, when compared with those who do not consume coffee.

These studies complement with news evidences of the benefits the caffeinated drinks. London scientists also found that the people that drink more of five cups of coffee or tea a day had a lower risk of a type of brain tumor.

Other studies also support you get benefits from drinking coffee, such as studies conducted by Harvard University in he last year, in which it was shown that men who drink coffee are 60% lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer, that the men who don’t drink coffee.

These results generate new perspectives for further investigations and thus understand the role of coffee in the prevention of head and neck cancer, since being studied by oral and pharyngeal cancer, provides some clues about a possible specific effect.
The studies realized by Hashibe, all display an association of caffeine with risk of cancer, which does not show the mechanisms of action or dose for that coffee is healthy.

The good thing about these studies is that based on large groups of initially healthy people in whom you see if the amount of coffee you drink affects their risk of cancer over time, and not as it was above where they made studies of people who drank coffee many years ago, in which only benefits were seen.

I hope this article has been interesting for you.
see you!

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

the difference in the health system in the world

Hello everybody

In the last class, we watched the film that Guillermo organized as an activity for us to see.
The film showed the reality of the health system of United States, the witch has 50 million citizens that do not have health coverage, and 250 million if they have this service, but will not know whether or not served, as showed the film, cases that were not addressed, even paying for their health.
The film contrasts the health system that has Canada, France, United Kingdom, in which the purpose was to have attention at all health, and that this was free, where all they could access.
The activity of Guillermo was very interesting because allowed us to know other realities, other health systems of other countries, so we can compare our health system to extract the most positive and compare it with our reality.
I hope that everyone liked the movie


martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


Hello everybody, in the post of today, I am going to talk about my favourite film.

My favourite movie is "ladder 49" Directed by Jay Russell, it shows the firemen in action, in special to Jack Morrison (Joaquin Phoenix, principal actor) who is trapped inside a warehouse fire and his recollection of the events that got him to that point. Jack struggles to survive, while outside his friend and Fire Chief Mike Kennedy (John Travolta), struggles to live out his best friend.

The film received two nominations for Teen Choice Awards, and won the BMI Film Music Award.

This film is very important and special for me, because in many scenes I see reflected my labour as firewomen. And the actors reflect many qualities that firemen are such as the fellowship, sacrifice, loyalty, commitment with the people, and the most important the desire to help those most in need.

Also, this movie shows other aspect that is very important for a fireman, the firehouse life. The firemen show as your fire company and your mates become your second family.

I have seen this movie since that I am firewomen, because with my mates this film is the perfect panorama for a day in the company fire.

I recommend this film, because is a clear example of as is the life as a firemen, in which shows that the firemen may be just one step away from losing his life, but the fellowship and the inner strength are essential to overcome the danger.

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

My blogging experience.

Hello everybody, in this blog, I talk you about my blogging experience in the English class.

My blogging experience is very good, because with this exercises I increase my vocabulary, improve my writing, and learned as give my opinion about different topics, but all in English. And was an opportunity to know more to my classmates.

My first blog was very difficult, because I don´t have a good vocabulary and the English grammar is very complicate for my, but with the time, and with the practice of write a blog every week, the last blog was easier.

My favorite post was "topic free", because I could speak about my hobby, but the second "free topic" was the worst because I did not know that choice, was very difficult the election.

Also, with the blogging experience I could know more about my classmates and know their life, their hobbies, their expectative and the blog was a good space for change opinion with my classmates.

Before this exercises I had many problem to write in English, but now this has change, because is more easy for my write in English.

The benefits of this activity are many, such as develop good manner the writing, and increase the vocabulary, to correct errors and to share opinion or discuss topics with the classmates. But, the problem is that the time class to be too short to be able to revise and create new blogs.

I hope that all my blog have been interesting and funny. And I would like continue writing different blogs to improve my English writing.

See you!!!!!